miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Human ancestor started taking alcohol 10 million years ago

10 million years ago the hominids took alcohol. A paleogenetic study had discovered when the enzyme that metabolizes de fruits alcohol (ADH4) was activated. It was when the human, gorilla and chimpanzee common ancestor left the trees. The fallen fruit, near almost rotten, was the food which ate the first hominids who moved in the floor.

In a very mature fruit it can be the same alcohol quantity as in a beer.

Nevertheless, the dominant theory affirms that humans begin taking alcohol 9000 years ago when the agriculture and sedentarism extended around the world. The accumulation of fruits and grains cause the people to try new conservation forms, for example, fermentation. That was the way to transform the food in alcoholic drinks.

The ADH4 enzyme is located in the beginning of the digestive tract and metabolizes a great variety of alcohol molecules. Despite that, the common ancestors enzyme couldn’t metabolize efficiently the little alcohol molecules

In addition, the orangutan (Which is arboreal) haven’t got this enzyme. So, the activation of this enzyme occurred after the orangutan lineage was separated from the common ancestor.

In my opinion it is a good explanation of our predisposition to take alcohol.

Moreover, I don’t think that the agriculture was the only reason why humans started taking alcohol. I think they had tasted it before, surely with corrupted fruits as the article said. It is not strain because it is know that elephants and other animals use to “get drunk” with very mature fruits and they enjoy it. So, why not humans?

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